
Evidence-based Literacy Instruction: The Basics

We have put this webinar together to help you understand the basics of the research behind 'Structured Literacy' and the teaching practices that stem from that research. We also provide a brief overview of the history of literacy policy in New Zealand to provide wider context on why the changes to literacy teaching are being made by the Government. This is aimed primarily at teachers in New Zealand who may be new to this research or practice, and is meant to provide a very quick synopsis to kick start your learning journey.

Slides can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSuXKRJZ0D7s4jrGELtFH805etEd0NZlJYDUfRMZAlrN2lk7uYh0qSXqyhjiGMnKA/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Webinar: Fluency Fundamentals Part 1- Building the Bridge from Decoding to Comprehension (Part 1)